In this series, we have seen God’s faithfulness to Joseph through a lot of difficult situations. Anybody here today facing a difficult situation? Maybe you’re not being hunted down by your angry siblings, or thrown into prison for a crime you didn’t commit, but we all have our stuff, don’t we.
What we learn through this series is that God desires from us to be faithful in the MIDST of circumstances, and he will be faithful to bring us through according to HIS plans for our good and HIS glory. Those last two words are KEY for us to remember…HIS GLORY. Often we simply want things to be easy and for US to get the glory. God’s love for us is immeasurable, but it also is immeasurable for others, so if we let Him, he will use our trials to help others see His goodness and love as well!
Saying “please” takes the posture of humility. There’s no hint of entitlement. It places high value on others. It creates a culture of honor...
Wooster Church of the Nazarene Worship Service