Revivals produce transformed lives that are passionate about becoming more like God. Our spiritual journey can be summed up in a short phrase: “I have one deep desire … I want to be more and more like Jesus. We are believing and becoming!” We are pursuing Him. He is our single focus. This is precisely how we get more of God. There are positively no shortcuts. love for God will compel us to become more and more like Jesus.
This can only happen as we surrender more of ourselves to Him … creating more “GOD-SPACE” in our lives. This is a life of holiness that moves us towards wholeness. This is foundational! We have must get a grip on the scope of what God has done for us through Jesus. “Jesus took it all on Himself” We must make a transformational connection with this truth. It will produce a change that we will never get over.
Many are content just to get by day by day. You might want tosucceed with as little effort as possible. This is a ho-humway...