Q&A: "Not Fair" [Pastor Nathan Ward]

April 10, 2023 00:01:56
Q&A: "Not Fair" [Pastor Nathan Ward]
Wooster Nazarene Podcast
Q&A: "Not Fair" [Pastor Nathan Ward]

Apr 10 2023 | 00:01:56


Show Notes

Ever ask, "Why do bad things happen to "good people"?"

When you think about it, something bad only happened to someone truly good - one time. I’m speaking of Jesus! He never sinned! He was perfect in all His ways. He stepped up and said … “I will become the perfect sacrifice for sin and I’ll die once for all!”

If you think or say, “God's not fair!” - I’ll have to agree with you! He didn't give you what you deserver so He could give you what you didn't deserve.

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